Towerview | Editor's Note


Is College Dead?

Is it ‘knowledge in service to society,’ a branding initiative, a way to hedge the competition—or all of the above?


The Next Chapter

With the popularity of tablets and e-readers rising, local independent bookstores are being forced to turn the page


Quarterback Shuffle

In the summer of 2011, a few months after I graduated, I moved to Denver to teach language arts. Certified by an alternative licensure program for secondary education, I was hired to teach sixth-,...


Blue Devil Bowling

Fred Goldsmith's 1994 Blue Devil team was 5-0, true, but none of his players had ever experienced a winning season, and Clemson stood in the way of that elusive sixth win.


Engineering World Health

A biomedical engineering professor and director of several Duke organizations that apply an engineering framework to the world’s great health inequities, Robert Malkin has made himself known—both...